Techshoret Conference
/ Svi Ben-ElyaNadina Rosentuler and Sharon Mink posted some nice photos.

Some of the networking at the conference. Sharon Mink and her phone took the picture.

Part of the crowd at the conference. Sharon Mink and her phone took the picture.

Alex Masychef of WritePoint presenting SmartDocs - a content reuse solution for MS Word. Nadina Rosentuler behind the iPhone camera.

Dr. Frans Wijma delivering a compelling lecture on Simplified Technical English and the people who need it. Photo by Nadina Rosentuler

Paula Stern introducing Leah Guren, who taught us what we can learn from... fish. Very entertaining. Nadina Rosentuler behind the camera.

Accountability in Technical Writing - interesting panel discussion initiated and led by Rayne Wiselman of Microsoft. The panel included Linda Lior of Microsoft, Charles Hurwitz of X-Plain and Miriam Lottner of Tech-Tav. Nadina Rosentuler took the photo.

Ezriel Yellin preceding Benjy Lovitt's comedy performance. Nadina Rosentuler was laughing behind the camera.

Benjy Lovitt made us laugh and sent us home with a smile. Nadina Rosentuler and her iPhone took the picture.